Tag Archives: mechanic software

Auto Repair Shops – The Story


Running an Auto Repair shop isn’t easy.

Everyone asks for your expert opinion but no one wants to hear it.  They argue with you, telling you what the problem is and how to fix it like they are the ones with all the certifications and all the years of experience.

Or, they want your diagnosis and estimate only to take it to the guy up the street to see if he agrees and can beat your price. And every day, there is a news report or an article that tells your potential customers this “comparison shopping” is the way a smart consumer saves money.

All the while – no one sees how much KNOWLEDGE & WORK it takes for you to perform a proper diagnosis and to create that estimate.

These “tire kickers” drain the day by generating lots of promise but no revenue, eating up your time.

We know many shops who now charge for an estimate to get rid of some these shoppers.  For some shops that works great, but sometimes the small independent guy finds that the policy drives away solid potential customers as well – throwing out the “baby with the bath water” so to speak.

And then it gets worse.

With fewer customers coming through the door, you now have to cut your rates to get new business.  You’ve now you set yourself up to do more work but make less money.  That’s no fun – and that’s certainly not a good way to do business.

By cutting your rates and shrinking the profit margin on each job you take, you soon realize that a low labor time from your preferred guide will result in you making NO money – or worse – for all your hard work. And if your labor guide doesn’t take the complexities of your customers and your shop into consideration when offering their labor times then they can end up doing more harm than good.

If you’ve ever been burned by your labor guide, you know the feeling.  You also know the feeling of frustration if your “resource” doesn’t cover the vehicle that your customer brought into the shop.

This isn’t what you expected or planned for.  This isn’t how you thought things would be.

We understand that you didn’t open this shop expecting to get super rich.  You opened this shop because it’s your passion – you love turning wrenches and you love helping people.  You thrive on being relied upon to solve a problem that your customers can’t fix themselves.

So what’s our point?

Our passion is making it easier for you to run an efficient, profitable shop by helping you quickly create professional estimates.  We can be your second opinion so the customer doesn’t have to take your estimate to the guy up the street.

We want to help you create your own standard and never get burned on a job again.  We want to help you display a professional image to your customers, and make sure you always have a resource for vehicles your customers bring you.

No matter how big a fan you are of your current labor guide, it is the smart businessman that has a second source.

Since you are not already one of the thousands of shops nationwide who have tried the new Real-Time Labor Guide Online, we would like to personally extend you an offer to take us for a FREE test drive for 14 days and see for yourself.

Visit us at www.autolaborexpert.com to get started today!